Iñigo Onieva takes refuge in the Sanctuary of Lourdes a month after his wedding: Madonna, let me stay as I am

Me to New York and you to… Lourdes? Well yes. While Tamara Falco has flown to the city of skyscrapers to work on her wedding dress with Carolina Herrera, Inigo Onieva He has traveled to the Sanctuary of Lourdes, in France. The future spouses have turned the tables and now it is he who prays to the Virgin while she deals with earthly affairs.

The businessman has traveled this Monday to the Sanctuary of Lourdes and has not done it alone, but as part of a charitable association that visits the sick and distributes medical supplies among those most in need. The future son-in-law of Isabella Preysler has tried to go unnoticed but four a day He has shown the images of Íñigo in the temple, dressed in a blue jersey and protected from the cold with a feather vest.

Also read: Tamara Falcó and the fine of one million euros that could ruin her wedding with Iñigo Onieva

It must be remembered that Lourdes was the first place where Tamara took refuge after discovering Onieva’s infidelity, in September last year, and breaking her marriage commitment. The Marquise felt the call of the Faith ten years ago, when she received her Confirmation at the hands of Cardinal Rouco Varela, in Madrid. Since then she has been a dedicated parishioner and her future husband has changed the discos for Sunday Mass to please her. She is sure that these days she asks the Virgin of Lourdes for a happy and lasting marriage. Amen.