Inés Arrimadas will not win this Sunday’s elections: her new life away from politics

Pedro Sanchez (PSOE), Alberto Núñez Feijóo (PP), Yolanda Diaz (add) and Santiago Abascal (Vox) are the main candidates in the general elections this Sunday, July 23. In the regional and municipal elections of May 28, the disastrous results obtained by Ciudadanos triggered the political withdrawal of Ines Arrimadas (Citizens).

“I have decided to end my stage as a politician and start a stage outside of it. I have served my country for 10 years. There is no greater honor than having been able to represent millions of Spaniards. I am sure that in these 10 years they have heard me say that politics should only be a stage. And all stages begin and end,” he announced on June 1. After the electoral debacle, the orange formation also chose not to run for the new elections.

Albert Rivera’s successor turned 42 on July 3 and celebrated it on her social networks: “Thank you all very much for your birthday wishes yesterday. I won’t be able to answer all of them, but I’m sure you’ll forgive me.” Next to these words, a photograph with a colorful summer ensemble with a hat.

They assure that the former Ciudadanos “is happy” with her new life in her native Jerez. So much so that she feels that she “has come back to life”, as she points out to her surroundings in The confidential. Despite the fact that during these months we have seen her in Congress with some frequency and she continues to be a “acting” deputy for her party until August 17, Arrimadas now has much more time to dedicate to her family.

It must be remembered that together with her husband, Xavier Cima, became the mother of her first child in full confinement by Covid-19. The firstborn is called Alex and was born in May 2020. His little brother, Marc, was born in March of last year. The family moved to Jerez in April and there they intend to remain installed whatever Arrimadas’ future job may be. In this way they leave behind Barcelona and Madrid, the cities where Inés has carried out her political career, the Catalan and the national.

Arrimadas intends to continue with his professional career in the private sphere. Before devoting himself fully to politics, he worked as a consultant at D’Aleph. Where he will end up now is still a mystery, but in the same medium they point out that he has “dozens of offers on the table.”

Arrimadas and her husband met in 2013 and said “yes, I want” three years later in Jerez de la Frontera. He was a deputy for Convergència i Unió in the Parliament of Catalonia and left his political career in favor of his wife’s.