“I’m feeling very uncomfortable”

The Antena 3 presenter has not started the week on the right foot. This Monday, the team Sonsoles Onega connected live with Fabiola Martinezwhich presented the solidarity market of the Bertín Osborne Foundation. After exchanging a couple of comments about the event with which she was her talk show host in the first season of the program, the model put on the brakes when asked about the new paternity of her ex-husband and father of her children. : “You mix things up. I don’t know what to do to stop you from doing it. There are many people working behind the Foundation, many families. I hope you can see beyond the image that we founders can give,” she said, annoyed.

Sonsoles has responded without mincing words, giving way to an exchange of accusations that has sown tension on the set: “I’m feeling uncomfortable because they’re telling me that you were warned.”, the presenter defended herself. Fabiola contradicted her: “I wasn’t warned about anything. “I had been told that they were going to accompany me to the market and that, perhaps, they would ask me some questions about current events.”

The scuffle continued: “You make me feel bad because you know how we are”argued Sonsoles. “You were aware of this information because you have been here telling it”, he insisted. Fabiola, increasingly angry, made her position clear, ensuring that no one had warned her and that they only wanted to fill minutes of the program at her expense. An accusation that the presenter has stopped cold: “No. No, Fabiola, you’re wrong. I kill for my team and you know it. And my team does say that it warned you that they were going to ask you about the issue… I have no interest in asking you about anything and you know it,” he stated. “I personally have no interest and professionally I have all my collaborators. I feel it in the soul. I am really sorry. I can assure you that if they tell me that you only answer questions about the Marcachollo, as you tell them, I am happy because you know me. I stand up for my team. Today, tomorrow and always,” she said bluntly.

But Fabiola has not given up either: “I had already said that I was not going to respond to media that were going to ask me about this. I’m not angry, but I’m making things clear. You can show your face for whoever you want, but you haven’t told me.”. Sonsoles, very upset, she said: “I can not believe it”.
