Hybrid workers exercise more, sleep more and eat better


Hybrid work is generating increasingly healthier professionals, who dedicate more time to physical exercise, sleep and healthy eating, according to a study carried out by the global provider of hybrid workspaces IWG among more than 2,000 workers from various countries. of Europe.

The study reveals that the time saved by reducing commuting has contributed to multiple wellness benefits, including weight loss, better cooking habits, better mental health, and increased sleep.

According to the study, a professional who works in a hybrid format trains an average of 4.7 hours a week, compared to 3.4 hours before the pandemic. Strength training, running, and walking are the most common forms of exercise.

They also sleep more, and spend more time in bed in the morning, which adds up to an extra 71 hours (almost three days) of sleep per year. Eating habits have also changed drastically.

70% of professionals believe that hybrid work allows them enough time to prepare a healthy breakfast each day, while more than half (54%) say they have more time to prepare nutritious meals throughout the week .

These workers are eating more fresh fruit and vegetables (46% and 44% respectively), and one in five (20%) declares they eat more fish. Similarly, a quarter of employees also explain having decreased their consumption of sweets since 2020.

The research concludes that a quarter of workers (27%) affirm that they have managed to lose weight since the start of the pandemic, thanks to the possibility that hybrid work offers to exercise more, sleep better and eat healthier.

Two in five respondents (42%) have lost between 5 and 9.9 kilos, while 23 percent have lost more than 10 kilos. The biggest drivers of this weight loss have been an increase in free time to exercise (65%) and prepare healthy meals (54%).

IWG, parent company of brands such as Spaces and Regus, has partnered in the UK with Dr Sara Kayat, a passionate advocate of the benefits of healthy and active living, who believes hybrid work can free up a lot of time and thus support important to workers.

“There is no doubt that hybrid work has brought many health benefits. A balanced diet, physical activity and good quality sleep are the cornerstones of a healthy life, and these data suggest that each of these habits is increasingly extended thanks to the extra time that the hybrid work model offers us,” said Kayat.

For Kayat, stress management and social relationships are also very important for mental health. “A healthy work-life balance is essential to achieve this, as it allows staff to work close to home and thus have more time for family, friends and any leisure activities,” she added.

Hybrid work has seen more and more workers divide their time between being at home, a flexible workspace and the company headquarters, thus drastically reducing commuting and the hours of their day spent commuting to the workplace .


This work model is also increasing productivity. According to the analysis, 79% of the participants say they are more productive since 2020, as a result of the reduction in stress associated with work (47%), since they have more time to relax and disconnect after their workdays (46% ).

With increased productivity at work and more free time away from it, it’s no surprise that 66% feel their mental health has improved as a result of switching to flexible working.

Similarly, 81% say they have more personal time than before 2020, and most spend this time promoting their health and well-being by spending time with family and friends (55%) and exercising (52%). or taking a short walk during the day (67%), having a positive impact on their mental health.

For Mark Dixon, founder and CEO of IWG, this study confirms what has been observed for a long time. “Hybrid working is building and maintaining a healthier and happier workforce, reducing the need for endless commuting. Offering flexible working is an important and simple way for companies to put their employees first, freeing up time and giving them more control over their schedules. Organizations that have embraced hybrid working not only have healthier and happier workforces, but also more engaged and productive teams,” he said.