Harry Debuts His New Bombshell Netflix Documentary On The Anniversary Of His Mother’s Death

It is just now 26 years since the death of Diana of Wales. The times are measured to the millimeter. The new Prince Harry documentary bomb arrives in Netflix miniseries format and bears the title of Heart of Invictus. There are five episodes produced by Archewell, which are part of the million-dollar contract that the Sussexes signed with the streaming giant. With the Invictus Games as an inspiration, the son of Carlos III gives a voice to veterans of war conflicts and tells how his experience in Afghanistan and his subsequent trauma upon returning home impacted him emotionally. “I had no support,” he recalls.

Guillermo’s brother also reproaches the media, and specifically cites The Sun, that they did not show support for the British troops in the war in Afghanistan. Some words that he has picked up in the newspaper with acidity and bitterness and that he leads to its front page.

Harry vents in his miniseries, reconstructing that post-traumatic period of the war and angrily reveals that he felt neglected, lacking “a support structure, a network or expert advice to be able to identify what was happening to me”. Below, two images of the series distributed by the platform.

Meghan Markle’s husband recalls on Netflix how he realized he needed therapy. “Unfortunately, like most of us, you first contemplate therapy when you find yourself lying on the floor in the fetal position.” He continues that, back home, she broke down. “A collapse” is the word he uses and that was the trigger for what came next. Harry confesses that this stormy personal situation was linked to his unresolved childhood trauma over the loss of his mother, Diana, when he was 12 years old.

Precisely this series has been released to coincide with the 26th anniversary of the death of Lady Di, in Paris, on August 31, 1997.