Archery, cutting with the excavator with the help of dad, wheelbarrow, ditches, pick and shovel… And to crown so much work, a sweet tasting of marshmallows on the barbecue, the mythical marshmallows melted into the fire, that the sons of Kate y Guillermo have enjoyed. It has been the tribute to the volunteers as part of Help Day, The Big Help Out, which commemorates the post coronation of the king Charles III and the queen Camila.

Charlotte, George and Louis are the new stars of the Windsors. Wherever they go, they monopolize the photos. The children of the Prince of Wales have joined volunteers in the renovation of the Scouts Hut in Slough, in Berkshire, UK. There, with the scarf around their neck, they have participated in all the gardening and maintenance work on the premises.

Little Louis, 5 years old, has once again left us the most adorable images with his little faces. His mother, Kate, has not been separated from him for a moment.