The truce does not come. The Danish press has once again launched a ‘missile’ at Frederick of Denmarkon everyone’s lips since his photographs came to light with Genoveva Casanova for Madrid. While, Mary Donaldson He reappeared this Tuesday in a new act. To bad weather, good face.
The newspaper Extra Magazine, one of the most critical of this story, has taken Queen Margaret’s son to its cover this Wednesday. Using ingenuity, they have titled: “Goodbye, Casanova.” They collect the new images of the prince, wandering alone and nervous through Madrid.

Knud Brix, general director of said media, already commented proudly of its publications: “When there is a slightly critical story, all the media, except BT y Extra Magazine “They remain silent.” In one of their most read articles since the controversy arose, they also referred to Cayetano Martínez de Irujo’s ex as “Fede’s friend.”
Furthermore, they compared the Mexican with Corinna Larsenthe former friend of the king emeritus: “They are very similar cases, two women who operate in high society and who end up in the inner circle of someone from royalty. Genoveva is the new Corinna.”
In the photographs shown by Readings, the two appeared walking through Madrid. They took a walk through El Retiro, shared a table and tablecloth at the Corral de la Morería and spent a night at the Mexican woman’s house, located in one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in the capital. In Informalia We already anticipated that the heir prince to the Danish throne came to Madrid to cut off his ‘friendship’ relationship with her. In defense of Genoveva, who denies a romantic relationship, he came out this Monday Cayetano Martínez de Irujothe father of her twins Luis y Amina: “The savage lynching that is being carried out in an absolutely unjust manner is sad and regrettable (…) I am very worried because his health is delicate and he is suffering a lot. I am sorry that he could not be here,” lamented the Count of Salvatierra.