Netflix knows that the second season of I’m Georgina is going to burst their hearings, because the woman of Cristiano Ronaldo does not have waste. Georgina Rodriguez In this second season of her reality show, she shows more examples of the incongruity of her luxurious life and economic excesses that contrast with her humble origins, which she also boasts of, which ends up ridiculing her. The influencer shows in the documentary how she is capable of spending 27,500 euros in a morning of shopping without any pangs of conscience: “I took half the store,” she says.
In the new season of the reality show, the wife of the Portuguese soccer player reveals how she goes shopping, accompanied by her friends, already known to fans of the docuseries as the “darlings”, at a store in one of the areas most commercial of Sardinia, during a holiday on the French island.

During that morning, Georgina displays all her passion for fashion, accessories and jewelry from the most exclusive brands. The Argentine-born model enters the store and begins to look at all the displays, she shows that she likes everything and comments “I’ll start.” Her friend and confidant of hers, Mamen Moralesexplains that “when she goes shopping there is no limit. She can have everything she wants.”

While the influencer raised in Jaca takes clothes and more clothes that she likes, another friend, ivan garciaclarifies: “Either she doesn’t buy anything or she buys everything, there’s no middle ground. Lately she’s been so pretty…everything suits her”.
Read also: Georgina shows her children videos of children who do not have food and says that Arabia and Human Rights are “talk”
Mamen Morales adds that Georgina “doesn’t try on clothes, she doesn’t feel like it. Do you like clothes? Well, she buys them. Then at home it might fit her well or not, but she has a filly… What you buy It’s just that it looks good on him.”
The dancer, who is also a dancer, notices, among other sets of clothes, a gray tracksuit made of cashmere with the modest price of 7,000 euros that she finally did not buy, because the price did not suit her! Her friend Iván admits that the influencer spent the whole vacation remembering the outfit because, as Georgina admits, “I love tracksuits above all else and I think it’s the piece I wear the most.”
The model checks the entire store, picks up a good number of clothes and accessories, including some for Cristinao Ronaldo, and when she goes to the checkout to pay, she comments on what many citizens experience when we go shopping, that in the end one gets involved and buys more of what she needs: “I went to buy a little outfit for the beach and, in the end, I took half the store… Tell me now how much the joke is”, causing a fun cheer among her companions.

The documentary shows an image of the total bill: 27,515 euros, and that it is one of her best friends, Elena Pina, the one that has been closest to the figure in his bet. However, according to Iván, it has turned out cheaper than Georgina expected. He finally reveals that the influencer returned some clothes, so the expense really remained at 23,000 euros. Basically, a year’s salary of any normal Spaniard.