Geoplaneta reissues ‘The Cyclist’ by Tim Krabbé, a tribute to cycling and reflection on human nature


The Geoplaneta publishing house of the Planeta Group has republished the book ‘The Cyclist’, the work of the Dutch journalist and novelist Tim Krabbé, which is a tribute to cycling and a deep reflection on human nature, which has become a cult work of sports literature.

Tim Krabbé, who participated in nearly a thousand cycling races, immerses the reader from the first page in an exciting journey through the 137 kilometers of the Tour de Mont Aigoual, where the protagonists face escapes, chases, attacks and alliances in a fight without barracks.

Since its publication in 1978, ‘The Cyclist’ has been translated into more than 50 languages, already becoming a cult work of sports literature.

“A book to understand the fundamentals of cycling. Essential for any pedal lover,” said former cyclist Juan Antonio Flecha.