From Marta López’s tears to Belén Esteban’s congratulations: all the reactions to Kiko Hernández’s wedding

The chatter of Save me is getting married this weekend Fran Anton, of which he insisted on assuring that he was only a friend. This has been confirmed by people close to the two spouses, who celebrated a joint bachelor party a few days ago in a hotel in Melilla with typical food and dress-code white. the companions of Kiko Hernandez They have been stunned by the surprising news: “I no longer have anything to do with Kiko”, he said martha lopez in tears.

There have been reactions for all tastes. Marta López was disturbed and sad for not having been a part of the plans of who she considered her friend: “I’m having a hard time. In my life I imagined that he was going to get married and I was not going to be at the wedding”, has said completely broken. “I’m happy for him, but I’m having a hard time because if it’s true, I don’t know, I’ve realized that I no longer have anything to do with Kiko. I’m sorry. It’s true that we haven’t had a relationship for a year the same relationship, but for me the love I feel for him and the affection has not changed and it may be that we were further apart, but I never imagined that Kiko would get married and I would not be there.

Miguel Frigenti was “in shock” while bethlehem esteban, who has called by phone, has expressed his happiness: “I have a good relationship with Kiko but I respect his life, it has surprised me that he keeps it so much in secret. If he is in love with Fran and he was getting married or has married, I will go to him to give my congratulations, but I’m going to wait for him to talk to me”. And he has added: “If he has decided, what we friends have to do is respect him.”

Kiko Matamorosa close friend of Hernández, thought it was a joke on the program: “I just don’t know what to say,” he said from Doha, where he began his honeymoon with Marta López Álamo, as we anticipated in scoop.
