From Alejandro Sanz to Yolanda Díaz: everyone celebrates the victory of the Spanish Women’s Team

Historic day for Spanish women’s football. The National Team played this Tuesday the Semifinal of the world against Sweden and has won by two goals to one: the first of Salma Paralluelothe last of Olga Carmona. The goal has raised the entire country and given the pass to the Final, which will be played next Sunday against the winner of Australia-England. A milestone that has revolutionized social networks, turning the hastag ‘We are in the Final’ into a Trending Topic.

The match has been followed by thousands of fans who have commented on the Spanish feat and have wanted to congratulate the girls for their effort and tenacity. From Yolanda Diaz (“You have made us dream from the first minute and we are already in the final! Congratulations to this spectacular team”) to Alejandro Sanz (“Pride of this Selection. How wonderful!”), the best-known faces have vibrated with the game of the nationals.