Frank Rivera reappears. After his controversial interview in Friday!where he charged Isabel PantojaEugenia Martínez de Irujo's ex offers his first statements this Saturday at the solidarity lunch he organized José Luis López Fernándezknown colloquially as El Turronero.
In the middle of the event, the bullfighter assured the Europa Press microphones that there are still many things to be said. Likewise, after several years away from the sets, the son of Paquirri and Carmina Ordóñez has stated that he “has remained comfortable.” “What I have said is the truth. Everyone feels how they want, but little can be done against the truth,” he said.
Regarding his plans for this Christmas, the bullfighter has assured that he will spend these dates with his family. “With the family, relax and enjoy it, we are very Christmassy, so enjoy it a lot,” concluded the right-hander.

Charge against Isabel Pantoja
In the fourth installment of Friday!, Fran Rivera assured that Isabel Pantoja's behavior when Paquirri was not in front was very different. “He didn't treat us the same way,” she said. Thus, given the attitude of Kiko Rivera's mother, Fran pointed out that she did not like going to Cantora because “she was not comfortable.”