Fran Rivera, shouting in a bar against two homophobic ladies: “You are abnormal, rude”

see to Fran Rivera defending a homosexual couple who were kissing on the terrace of a bar when they were rebuked by some ladies shows what the bullfighter thinks. The son of carmina ordonez was the victim of a hidden camera prank on the Canal Sur program Gente maravillosa, presented by Toñi Moreno. If the bullfighter knew what was really happening, he is a great actor.

The situation that Paquirri’s son found himself, organized by the space team, was as follows: some ladies (who were actually actresses, although the right-hander didn’t know it) got angry when they saw a supposed homosexual couple making love to each other.

The women, visibly upset, demanded that they be expelled from the restaurant where they were that the couple kiss. Fran Rivera stung. Realizing the injustice, she criticized the attitude of the ladies: “What else will you give them?” He rebuked them angrily. Then the actress called the person in charge of the restaurant (actor) to change the table couple.

The tone rose and Fran Rivera entered the kitchen of the provocation: when the person in charge of the restaurant threw the couple out, urging them to leave the premises, the husband of Lourdes Montes He stood up to scold the person in charge of the premises: “I can’t believe it, I haven’t seen that the kids have done anything disrespectful,” he told him. The innkeeper, far from paying attention to Fran, went further in the provocation and blurted out to a fiery Fran Rivera that the woman who was protesting is “a regular customer.” It was then that Fran Rivera broke with the relative prudence with which he had behaved: “That lady is rude”, said. And then she told one of the actresses that she had disrespected the couple.

When another of the women argued that she did not want her grandson to see two men kiss, Fran Rivera ended up exploding and asked the person in charge of the restaurant to call the Police. “There are friendly bars where you can go”, The head of the room answered. The icing on the cake came when one of the youngsters began to cry and the right-hander kissed him.

“I thought you were a man who dressed by his feet,” one of the ladies snapped at Fran Rivera. “My mother did educate me, not like you. The only show is being given by you,” replied this Captain Thunder and defender of LGTBi rights for a day. The actor who played the person in charge of the premises insisted that homosexuals leave the premises, saying that it was a bar “for normal people”. And then Fran Rivera called him “abnormal.” The culmination of all the nonsense came when the ex-husband of Eugenia Martinez de Irujo He already began to argue loudly with the “homophobic” actress, paid for his drink, and left the premises together with the alleged victims. Fran’s face when she realized it was all a hidden camera prank was a poem.