Felipe VI’s ‘secret’ parties are uncovered

The king is a fun person and despite the seriousness he exudes in his work aspect, he also hides a full-fledged party animal. Or at least, he hid it. They confirmed it this Wednesday Kiko Matamoros y Lydia Lozano in Not that we were shhh. The two panelists have revealed that they have met the monarch in clubs and clubs on many occasions and that he has always been close and very fun with everyone. “I danced a salsa with him on one occasion”the journalist has said.

No one has placed these meetings in time, although everything seems to indicate that it was before meeting Doña Letizia: “One day with the Morancos, at a discotheque that was fashionable, Prince Felipe came to my table to ask them for a joke”added Lydia Lozano. “He told Los Morancos and me, who was at the table: ‘Look, I’m going to go to the bathroom, you’ll see everyone who comes after me.’ He was overwhelmed by the bodyguards, but he told it with grace. … Is very nice”, he revealed between laughs. “There was a bar in Barquillo, which I don’t remember the name of now, that I went to a lot. Now he goes a lot with his friends to a place next to Ana Rosa’s house. He takes the cane from her and goes with his face exposed.”

Kiko, for his part, claimed that he had met the king on multiple occasions when he was single: “I have seen him flirt with a lady on occasion.”has revealed without wanting to offer more information.

The truth is that the king has a busy schedule, not only due to his institutional obligations but also family obligations (as a father, husband…) but he does not neglect his more personal side either. He meets with his friends whenever he can, although he has changed parties in clubs for dinners and concerts in quieter environments. His last plan without Letizia was last May, when he went to a well-known restaurant in Chamberí called La Vaquería Montañesa in the company of four men and three women with whom he chatted in English and French.
