Fans will defend their stadiums from the riots tonight

The Mark Rutte government has taken action this weekend to try to curb COVID cases and Tight restrictions have sparked a wave of unrest across the country. The protesters, who complain about the curfew imposed from 21:00 to 04:30They have staged clashes with the police and caused damage to cities. Thus, several groups of fans have organized tonight to defend their stadiums and, in general, the streets of these violent groups.

While in some cities like Breda the police try to control these fans to prevent them from starting altercations between them and the protesters, in Bolduque have given orange vests to fans to differentiate them from the rioters. This coordinated action with the police tries to prevent looting in shops and other material damage.

For their part, the clubs also try to defend themselves and PSV installed cargo containers around its stadium this afternoon and to protect especially the windows of its premises.