F1: Carlos Sainz, new Ferrari driver from 2021




The madrileo, 25, signs two years with the 'Scuderia', where he will share a garage with Leclerc, who starts with the status of leader.

Sainz, last March 12 at Melbourne Park.

Carlos Sainz replace to Sebastian Vettel as a Ferrari driver from 2021 and become the third Spanish, after Fernando Alonso and the Portago Marqus, in playing the World Cup with the most successful team in Formula 1 history. The former McLaren leader, 25 years old, signs for the next two seasons, in which he will share a garage with Charles Leclerc, the great bet of the Scuderia to end the dominance of Mercedes.

After the intense negotiations of the last few days, EL MUNDO has been able to know the closing of an agreement that will link both parties until 2022. The economic conditions have not transpired, although it is estimated that Carlos will receive a net salary of five million euros. Slightly less than that of Leclerc, which charges nine million gross a year.

The arrival of Sainz, just two days after Vettel's farewell, completes the circle drawn by Mattia Binotto, boss of Ferrari, reluctant to feed more rumors during these turbulent months. Also, the signing is a respite for John Elkann and Louis Camilleri, the two top executives of the dome Ferrarian, which will save Vettel's 27 million gross annual file.

Racing Mercedes

Taking over from a world tetrachampion is a challenge for Sainz, who must also bear the historical urgency of a team deprived of the title since 2007. It will be time to show his solidity and solvency at the wheel, the virtues with which he was leader in 2019 McLaren's resurgence.

For its part, Ferrari must put a car on the asphalt with which its drivers can compete for the World Cup. A car similar to that of 2017 or 2018, so that Sainz and Leclerc achieve what Sebastian Vettel and Kimi raikkonen: fight side by side with Mercedes until the last race.

During his first year, Sainz must acclimatize to the special environment of the Maranello factory and show his inexhaustible ability to work with the engineers. The 2021 World Cup, the last with the current regulations, will give way to a regulatory revolution where the Madrid team, having passed its first stage of training, will have to offer the best of its repertoire.

Healthy competition

Binotto trusts in the fortress of Sainz, hardened against rivals of the stature of Max Verstappen or Nico Hulkenberg, to form a binomial as young -47 years- as fearsome. The logical rivalry in the garage with Leclerc must be reconciled with the good sense shown in his years as Toro Rosso and Renault. The typhusFed up with internal wars, they know better than anyone that Ferrari cannot afford more ridicule.

Only a few minutes after Sainz's departure was completed, McLaren announced the signing of Daniel Ricciardo, so far at Renault. The Australian, who already appeared on the radars of the Woking squad last season, accompanied Lando Norris from 2021.

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