Eva Gonzalez is enjoying her first summer as a single woman after separating in October last year from Cayetano Rivera. The television presenter has chosen Cádiz as a destination to disconnect and rest during her vacation.
Through her social networks, the ex-wife of the brother of Kiko Rivera He shared some images in which he is seen sunbathing on a boat with the idyllic beach of Bolonia in the background.

However, the photo that has most attracted the attention of his followers is one in which he poses in the arms of a mysterious man. “Is it a new love?” Some of the netizens ask her in the comments on her Instagram post.

Although Eva has not responded, from Telecinco they have revealed the identity of this person. “This man is called Germán Fernández. This is a friend like the ones there, there are more people… she is with her group of friends in an exclusive area, they are browsing,” says Marisa Martín Blázquez.
“But is it an illusion?”, they ask the journalist in the summer program. “I don’t know anymore, look at what happens, we take one thing for granted and then such… I’m just saying that they are together with a group of friends, that he goes out there with a photo with him, they have known each other for a long time and something else is how that friendship evolves”, clarifies Marisa.
Cayetano, for his part, is rebuilding his life together with the Portuguese journalist Maria Cerqueira. She, like Paquirri’s son, is also separated. In her case, she has two children: Francisca Gomes19 years old, the result of his relationship with the pilot Gonçalo Gomesand the little Joao Cardosowho is only five and was born from his marriage to Antonio Miguel Cardosopresident of the Vitoria de Guimarães football club.