Espanyol goes to the ‘running’

Espanyol, historically a multi-sports team, will return to the solidarity race on July 2, an initiative that it already organized in the early years of the RCDE Stadium. Together with ‘Corresolidaris’ and the town council, they launch the ‘I Carrera Solidària Nocturna Cornellà Running 1900’a sports festival in collaboration with the Dravet Foundation, which treats patients with this disease (very severe epileptic encephalopathy).

The day will begin at 19:45 when the children’s category tests will be held. The participants will cover a distance of 500 and 1,000 meters next to the blue and white stadium. The organizers have prioritized that it be a day for the whole family. Right after, the adult tests, 5 kilometers and 10 kilometers, will take place. In both they will leave the stadium area and the route will cause the participants to enter the streets of the city of Baix Llobregat.

Starting at 5:00 p.m., the entertainment will begin in the surroundings of the stadium, while after the competition, around 10:30 p.m., The Pasta Party will be held with the participation of a DJ.