In recent hours, concern has grown over Laura Valenzuela, who at 92 is admitted to the Hospital de La Princesa in Madrid. her daughter, Lara Dibildosacknowledged that she is “malita”, although she clarified that she is not in the ICU as published, but on the ward.
Read also – Strong messages for Laura Valenzuela: from Javier Gutiérrez and Luis Tosar to Nathalie Poza
The daughter of Alvaro Muñoz Escassithe young Anna Barrachina 28 years old, went to the center this Wednesday night to visit the charismatic actress and presenter. “She is quite sick. The poor thing is very sick, she is very old now,” she kindly told the press.

The bond that Barrachina has with Lara Dibildos is very special, she is not only the mother of her brother Alvarito, the 16-year-old son of the rider and the presenter, but he loves her as one more person in his family. So much so that Lara confessed in 2021 in the disappeared Live life: “Anna was a secret daughter for everyone except me. I had taken care of her since she was little.” The young woman has even lived at the presenter’s house when she has needed it. At the same time, despite her non-existent blood ties, she feels great affection for Valenzuela.
Read also – Lara Dibildos does not separate for a minute from Laura Valenzuela, admitted again at 92: “My mother is sick”
It was in 2015 when it was discovered that Escassi was the father of Barrachina, the result of a previous relationship between María José Suárez’s boyfriend and a Valencian woman named Mercedes.