Emergency meeting at Buckingham Palace after Harry and Meghan’s trip to Nigeria: they must be stopped

New crisis in the British palace. The absence of Charles III y Kate Middletonboth in full treatment against cancer since last February, has left a void in the institutional image that the exiles Harry y Meghan They have not been slow to take advantage. That is, at least, what they think at Buckingham Palace after the trip that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex made to Nigeria just 10 days ago. Despite the private and ‘commoner’ nature of the visit, they were received with honors and treated like the royals they no longer are. The media, such as CNN, pointed out: “Meghan entered Nigeria as a duchess and left as a princess.”

The image is dangerous for the interests of Buckingham Palace, which has worked hard to ‘bury’ the rebellious couple and praise the good Windsors. The popularity rankings show that they achieved it: in just two years, William y Kate They have far surpassed Harry and Meghan, who have also not helped maintain a good image with their constant attacks on the British Crown through dark memoirs, documentaries, interviews and old secrets. The trip to Nigeria, however, was colored with color, dances, folklore and smiles. Harry and Meghan went back to being simple happy lovers against the world and that does worry The Firm.

According to The Mirror, the palace leadership has called an emergency meeting this Friday. They fear that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will take advantage of the low hours of Carlos, Camila, Guillermo and Kate to once again occupy the front page of the media. The order of the day in the palace crisis cabinet was clear: limit the damage of its appearance in Nigeria, especially since it will not be the only one, since Harry and Meghan have received an official invitation to visit Ghana in the coming weeks. “William is furious with Harry, he has behaved terribly. For him, Harry is putting his finger in the wound”they assure.
