‘El Cordobés’ is discharged after his serious goring and returns home with ‘nurse Troconis’: “She is the best”

With good humor and very recovered, Manuel Diaz He has left the Infanta Luisa hospital on Tuesday where he was admitted last Saturday after being caught in Huesca. Accompanied by his wife, Virginia Troconiswanted to thank the love received these days, especially her: “I have a nurse who is the best thing in the world. Virginia has been to see me twice and I have recovered.”

‘El Cordobés’ has given his part of hospital discharge to the media that were interested in his health: “They have removed the drains. They have given me all the antibiotics that I had to put on and the hand is a little worse. But very excited and very grateful. Looking forward to it”, he said with his usual optimism.

Manuel does not lose his smile despite what happened: “Everything is happening to me this season. It has been ten years since the bull gored me and this is the last year, it’s time. So I don’t forget.” He also acknowledges that his family has had a hard time: “The truth is that everything has gone very, very well, although the family has spent a little there… Hugs”.

‘El Cordobés’ has revealed that there are still interventions for his hand: “Now they are looking at the possibility of intervening in the hand or not, but it seems that the bone is not very damaged and I will try to finish the commitments that I have left”. He hopes to be able to finish the bullfighting season before said intervention and thus not have to change the scheduled schedule: “It is possible that before the intervention, and then when the bullfighting year is over, I will finish off this hand. The leg is perfect, the wound it’s very nice”.