Edwin’s lawyer speaks loud and clear: “We have very strong and compelling information that incriminates Daniel Sancho and it has not yet been published”

Rodolfo Sancho’s son entered the Thai prison on Koh Samui last Monday after confessing to the murder and dismemberment of a Colombian surgeon. The police accuse him of premeditated murder and claim to have incriminating evidence, the same ones that have leaked to the media since last weekend: conversations, statements, images from security cameras… However, there is much more: “We have more information, quite strong and quite solid, that is not known and that points to his guilt.”

Miguel Ángel González Sánchez, the lawyer hired by the Arrieta family to handle the case from Colombia, said this Wednesday. The lawyer has stated on Telecinco that there is a lot of information under summary secrecy: “This information was transferred to the Colombian consul in Thailand and is currently subject to reservation”. Some data that, perhaps, would fill in the gaps and clarify the inconsistencies reflected in the known public investigation, such as the fact that some of the investigation evidence is available to tourists and not guarded (such as the kayak he used to get rid of the body), why there was 80,000 dollars in Edwin’s room (travel with more than 10,000 in cash is not allowed) or how Daniel was able to dismember a man in just three hours (criminologist experts affirm that it is impossible: “He did not do it alone “).

The lawyer has also commented that they are not interested in the murderer’s motivation to carry out such a heinous act: “The new evidence forcefully incriminates the defendant. We are not interested in the reason why he did it. The cruelty to the that he acted and what was generated afterwards accredits the cruelty with which he acted and that is enough”. Along these lines, he did not want to speak about Edwin’s alleged threats and extortion of the Spanish chef, who declared to the police: “I was his hostage. He was desperate. He told me that he knew what a man with 100 million dollars and contacts in Colombia could make me and my family.

On the other hand, González Sánchez has assured that they demand the maximum sentence for Daniel Sancho but not capital punishment, and that they are not considering requesting his extradition to Colombia so that he can be tried there: “He murdered Edwin in Thailand and there he must be convicted and serve his sentence.”