The spontaneous who jumped onto the pitch in the match between Mallorca and Barcelona last Saturday will be cheap for the club. The Competition Committee has sanctioned the Balearic team with a fine of 301 euros for “alteration of the order of the meeting of a mild nature”, although the fact could have serious consequences in the development of the competition. The regulation, despite the fact that the circumstances were exceptional, protects the sanction imposed on Mallorca. Article 110 refers to 15, which reads as follows:

“When on the occasion of a game the order is disturbed, the physical integrity of the referees, players, technicians or people in general is damaged, material damage or injury is caused, invasion of the field of play occurs, they are exhibited symbols or violent, racist, xenophobic or intolerant chants or insults are uttered, or the normal development of the meeting is notably disturbed, the organizing club will incur responsibility, unless it proves the diligent compliance with its obligations and the adoption of the measures of prevention required by sports legislation to avoid such events or mitigate their severity. The organizer of the meeting will also be responsible when these events occur as a result of a malfunction of the security services for causes attributable to it. “
Article 110 itself quantifies the fine:
“When on the occasion of a match events of the kind defined in article 15 of the present ordinance occur and are classified by the disciplinary body as minor, the responsible club will be sanctioned with a fine of up to 602 euros.”
In this way, Mallorca will not be the one to pay for the gesture of the fan, who jumped over a fence more than two meters high to step onto the field of play. However, LaLiga plans to take legal action against the individual in question, as announced after the match: “Given the incident of the spontaneous who entered and jumped onto the field of the Visit Mallorca Stadium, without authorization, in breach of established protocols in current health legislation and disobeying the orders of private security personnel, LaLiga will file the corresponding criminal actions on the grounds that the facts constitute a crime“
Barça, warned for leaving late
In addition, Competition warns Barça for leaving the field late, which led to the match starting “four minutes late”, as reflected in the minutes by Madrid referee Carlos del Cerro Grande, and reminds him “the obligation that is imposed on the clubs regarding the written compliance with the official schedule established for the start of the matches, in the development of their two periods, urging him to exercise his diligence to respect the match start time. “