Donald Trump, out of his mind: blames Melania for the poor election results

The electoral hangover is making the former president of USA. The loss of a senator in Pennsylvania has unleashed the wrath of Donald Trumpwhose advisers have revealed this Wednesday that he is “furious and yelling at everyone in the office, including his wife, Melania“.

The Republican sees how his party loses strength and blames the candidates for the failure, ensuring that “all are bad” to be able to confront the Democrats with guarantees. Especially upset about the loss of Mehmet Ozthe Pennsylvania candidate, supported by Melania herself, who convinced her husband to give her carte blanche.

Also read: Meghan Markle breaks the rules on the United States’ Election Day

And it is that, in the absence of the final count, it seems that the Republicans will be very touched and that crushes the future plans that the tycoon had: announce his candidacy for 2024. He wanted to do it on November 15, coinciding with what he thought would be a victory for his party, but now everything is unknown: it is not a good time to do it, but delaying it would be “humiliating” for Trump.

In fact, the businessman maintains a fierce war with what could be his greatest rival, Ron De Santisthe governor of California, who could also run for 2024: “If he wants to run, let him run. If he does, I will say things about him that will not be very flattering. I know more about him than anyone, perhaps more than his wife, who is the one who is really running his campaign,” Trump warned on Wednesday.