Doña Sofía and the Infanta Elena, hand in hand on their return to the Casa Real agenda after the summer

The queen emeritus presented the Fundación MAPFRE Social Awards this Thursday, and she did so accompanied by her daughter, Infanta Elena, or Doña Elena, as she prefers to be called. It is the first public act they share after a year, when they enjoyed an evening together at the Athens Yacht Club for the wedding of Philippos from Greece and the millionaire Nina Flohr.

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The queen, who has returned to the service of the Royal House at the request of her son, has awarded the prizes to the winners, among which the designer Carolina Herreraaccompanied by her daughter and granddaughter: “I share the award with the people who give the opportunity for a better life and work for the common good.”

Also Ana Bottlewho has received the award as president of the Integra Foundation, which offers a second chance to former inmates, former drug addicts, women victims of gender-based violence, young people at risk and homeless people: “They are people with names and surnames who have had to overcome very complex situations and that have a history that on many occasions made it impossible for them to join the labor market”, he said in his speech.
