Doña Letizia, the most photogenic, and Leonor, the most shy: the photographers of the Kings speak

The Nikon Gallery opens its doors in Madrid to the portraits of Felipe VI and Letizia. The exhibition space is a hot spot of 39 photographers, who have brought together their valuable works in an exhibition titled Royal Family, family of the King. Among other photographers, José Gegúndez and Robert Smith.

The Nikon House houses never-before-seen photos of the Royal Family in its rooms. Images captured by regular photographers who follow the agenda of the King’s House. A spontaneous detail, a romantic gesture, a bad day, an anecdote, a look. José Gegúndez, from Limited Pictures (below), commented on Public mirror the pose that Letizia and her daughters make up: “All three are very photogenic. Letizia, the one who most. They don’t have bad angles.” And she added: “Leonor is the one who least likes to be photographed, because she is shy. Doña Letizia and Leonor have more magnetism.”

Robert Smith, from Week, who explained how he took the photo of Paloma Rocasolano at the 2022 Princess of Asturias Awards. “I was aware that as soon as they crossed paths he was going to make a gesture, it’s just the moment when he sticks out his tongue.” Also, this portrait of Doña Sofía.

Robert Smith witnessed the trip of Felipe VI and Letizia to Doñana in February 2020, for Valentine’s Day, a few weeks before the pandemic and confinement were declared. “There was a lot of complicity,” the photographer commented on the Antena 3 program.