David Villa will open his first permanent academy in Spain in Madrid in September


Next September, former Spanish soccer player David Villa will open one of his ‘DV7 Academy’, his international network of soccer academies, in Madrid, at the ESC Madrid LaLiga & NBA facilities in the town of Villaviciosa de Odón.

This sports and academic complex, developed by the national professional football association and the American basketball league, has the Spaniard, through his company ‘DV7 Group’, as one of its partners.

As reported by the company of the former Sporting player, Zaragoza, Valencia and FC Barcelona, ​​among others, before its opening in September, the Academy will begin to be operational much earlier with the participation in June of a team from the year 2013 in the prestigious MADCUP, one of the international reference tournaments in youth football.

In addition, in August, it will be the turn, between the 15th and 27th, for the ‘DV7 Summer Camp Madrid’, which will have the direct participation of the
‘Guaje’ Villa and that will already be held, externally and internally, in the
facilities of the new ‘DV7 Academy Madrid’.

This Academy, the latest to join the DV7 family, will apply the same methodology to fulfill its mission of improving football for boys and girls from all over the world, that of the successful model of the Spanish football style of play, the one learned and perfected by David Villa from the beginning and throughout his brilliant professional career, without neglecting the transmission of sports values.

In this way, the new ‘DV7 Academy Madrid’ joins the academies already in operation in Queens-New York, Chulavista-San Diego, Bayamón FC-Puerto Rico, in the United States, Santo Domingo, in the Dominican Republic, Vancouver, in Canada, and Tokyo, in Japan.