Darling Arrieta uncovers a new message from Daniel Sancho on the day of his brother’s death: they took “hallucinogenic mushrooms”

Darling, Edwin Arrieta’s sister, sat down on the small screen this Friday to narrate the nightmare that her family is experiencing after the death of her brother last August. Between tears, a broken voice and a permanent sob, the surgeon’s sister provided unpublished data on the case.

Darling explained that, after not hearing anything from his brother for several days, he began a search through his brother’s contacts on social networks and found Daniel Sancho’s profile. Immediately, Edwin’s sister contacted Rodolfo Sancho’s son.

According to the Colombian’s sister, the Spanish chef responded and declared: “I saw him on the beach yesterday. I have lost track of him” Furthermore, Darling revealed in Friday! an alleged new statement from Sancho on the day of Edwin Arrieta’s death. “We have taken some hallucinogenic mushrooms“said Silvia Bronchalo’s son, as Darling reported.

The family of the Colombian doctor is going through a very complicated time and they just want justice to be done. “I’m sad, it’s been horrible for me and my family. My life changed and this does not end, every day it is more. It is terrible to know that your brother, your son, is murdered in another country, in such a terrible way. They throw it in the trash and you still hear comments from people without feelings who talk about people who can’t defend themselves,” he explained between sobs.

Second week of the trial

Last Friday’s session was relaxed and once again beneficial for the Spanish defendant. His first lawyer, Khun Annantook the stand to testify and confirmed that Daniel never mentioned the words “matar“is”murder” during his story, but at all times he referred to a death after a struggle and a sharp blow: “Daniel only talked mainly about the dismemberment, nothing more“, he stated.
