Since its presentation last Tuesday, Diego Martínez has been around the different parakeet media, this Thursday on the radio program of La Grada, where he has reinforced his message and explained two novelties with respect to his latest statements. The Galician coach has spoken of Sergi Darder as a possible “leader” of the team and has recognized that Espanyol is going to be “reactive” in the market, but that also throws up possibilities.
Regarding the parakeet midfielder, who is in talks to renew the contract with the club and who prioritizes the sports project, Martínez expressed himself in these terms: “For example, Sergi Darder is one of those players who can offer leadership. We want to make the best possible team.“, commented the new Espanyol coach, who specifically referred to the Majorcan. Regarding the players who end their contract, as is the case of Diego López or David López, he also commented that “everything has its time and its moments”.
Apart from throwing balls out on the renewals, since everything is being discussed together with the sports director, Domingo Catoira, and the other options on the market must be analyzed in detail, Martínez slipped that Espanyol would be “a reactive team on the market, but that can also give us the chance to enhance the reinforcement of the squad”. An idea that is in line with the “limited but sufficient resources” commented by Mao Ye, CEO of the club, in Catoira’s presentation.

Nor does Martínez consider, in line with the speech of his presentation, that the bells should be thrown on the fly for his arrival, because the important thing is to build a way of working that enhances the team above all else. He summed up his feeling in “Play and compete without fear and without complexes, but without fantasies and castles in the air. The steps must be firm”.