As much or greater concern than Thomas Raul genera Sergi Darder. And with that, all is said. author of three goals and ten assists this last season, but above all compass and guide of the Spanish, he has left one year contract and there are not a few siren songs generated by its future. As the apparent interest from Atlético de Madrid. His situation, his moment of fulfillment and his age (28 years old) lead to the evidence that He is facing the great contract of his career professional. And, both his mood and that of the parakeet club invite us to believe that they are condemned to understand.

“For me, playing for Espanyol is everything”, Darder starts in an authentic declaration of love reproduced now by the channels of the entity, on the occasion of the more than 200 games officials that he has played with the blue and white shirt. just above Jordi Lardín and Ferran Corominasthe same (204) as Victor Manuel Torres Mestre and Juan Maria Amiano, all symbols of parakeet history. “Although I would have practically settled for one game, I hope there are many more. My dream was to play with Espanyol in the First Division and now I am in the middle of that dreamvery happy to belong to this club, it is a pleasure and a luxury and not only the matches but to come to the Dani Jarque every day and enjoy it”, he declares without hesitation.
But it’s not just Darder. He also the new driver of the project. If with Vicente Moreno the midfielder experienced a definitive change of mentality – even supported by a psychologist that the coach had recommended -, Diego Martínez directly places him as the leader on the field of play:Sergi Darder is one of those players who can offer leadership and favor the performance of the rest of the team”, said the newly appointed coach last week, on La Grada Ràdio, without being directly requested by the Mallorcan and after insisting that he does not like to talk about proper names.
While in private negotiations are resumed that have already begun with the previous sports director, Francisco Joaquín Pérez Rufete, in public the messages could not be more complimentary. Also by the new architect in this technical area, a Sunday Catoira that in his presentation was already expressed as follows: “There are important players that mark the identity or culture. We cannot ignore what Darder means or the Sports City. we can’t lose itis the essence, the soul and that has always been”.
Espanyol pampers Darder, and Darder, as he has always done –for example, his return from Olympique de Lyon as soon as it was viable– verbalizes his passion for the parakeet feeling, just as he has been demonstrating more and better on the pitch. Perhaps a captaincy next season would be the best way to seal that marriage that only an irrefutable offer, or a sudden clumsy management by one of the two parties could go bankrupt. Darderism, except cataclysm, has rope for a while.