Daniel Sancho’s defense, desperate after the Prosecutor’s report: the keys they cling to

Daniel Sancho live a key week. His father is in Thailand supporting him and working on his defense. It must be remembered that this week the Prosecutor’s Office formally accused him of premeditated murder, concealment of the body and destruction of other people’s documentation. This Thursday he went to the Koh Samui courts to have the charges against him read to him, but the hearing was finally postponed to November 13 because the chef requested the assistance of a Spanish translator.

Despite the prosecutor’s forceful report, for the defense of Sancho Gracia’s grandson there would be some flaws that could benefit his client. Firstly, because in the report they point out that “there is no evident evidence of the cause of Edwin Arrieta’s death.” As we said, the trunk, one of the most important parts for forensic analysis, was never found, so the result of the report is inconclusive: “The cause of death cannot be determined. It should be examined by other specialists. “.

In this way, they maintain that since there is no “obvious evidence” the cause of the Colombian doctor’s death cannot be determined: “This way a path can be opened in the defense strategy… In fact, it is one of the keys that the defense could use,” they said this Friday on Telecinco.

On the other hand, Sancho’s defense also puts into focus certain procedures carried out during the police investigation: “His defense from Spain, in agreement with Thailand’s lawyer, want to request the annulment of the entire official investigation because it is in Thai and not in Spanish, which is Daniel’s official language and the language that the Provincial Court had determined as official to prosecute Daniel Sancho”.

After the accusation of the Prosecutor’s Office, the magistrate will decide the date of the trial. Meanwhile, the defense of Silvia Bronchalo’s son works to avoid the death penalty requested by the Public Ministry. Daniel himself confessed to having murdered and dismembered Edwin Arrieta on August 2 on the island of Koh Phangan.