Between the son of Rodolfo Sancho and that of Jaime de Marichalar There is no direct relationship of friendship but they know each other, they have met in fashionable places in Madrid and they have good friends in common. He called them Daniel hours after being detained at the Koh Panghan police station for the murder and dismemberment of the Colombian surgeon Edwin Arrieta. The Spanish chef requested the help of the royal grandson to get out of the mess he had just gotten himself into.
Daniel and Froilán had met on numerous occasions in Madrid and even followed each other on social networks (Victoria Federica’s brother’s account is private and only accepts requests from trusted people). For this reason, the Spanish chef contacted these mutual friends from the police station where he was detained and interrogated on August 3 to ask Froilán for help in his name. The response from Infanta Elena’s son, however, was blunt: he stopped following her on Instagram.
Daniel Sancho faces Thai justice like any other foreign citizen. Embassy staff are following his case and providing him and his family with what is necessary in these difficult times (travel, accommodation, appointments with bank branches…), while the country’s prosecutor’s office assigned him a public defender, Kun Anan. , to prepare his defense. The lawyer, however, has already been removed from the case by express decision of Rofolfo Sancho, who requested an expert “who speaks Spanish” to face the process. From Spain, the protagonist of Sea of Plastic has hired the services of the Chippirrás-Balfagón law firm and also those of Marcos García Montes, who work tirelessly to reduce Sancho’s sentence as much as possible.