Malaga took a giant step towards permanence in Tenerife. The 0-2 leaves him in a privileged position to finish off the continuity in LaLiga Smartbank after a season plagued with hardships and shocks. The work is not quite done. There are still two points to add to seal the goal, whose achievement has an outstanding protagonist above the rest: Dani Martín.
The Asturian goalkeeper was once again fundamental on the island with several worthwhile saves and has been the best blue and white player in the last few months of the season. Since he regained ownership on April 1 in Girona (1-0) he has been the most regular player in the squad. This is reaffirmed by olocip artificial intelligencewhich indicates him as the player with the greatest regularity in his performance in his performances during the season with a score of 6.52.

His saves have kept Málaga afloat in many games and were decisive for Málaga to add points against Valladolid (2-2), Leganés (0-3) and Tenerife (0-2). “I am the same one who started playing, I am the same one who made the mistakes. I have changed many things, especially within myself, psychologicallyand I think that’s what has given me the extra confidence and consistency that I needed from the start of the season. I feel very confident, the coach is giving it to me. I hope the team and the fans notice it”, assured the goalkeeper after his great match at the Heliodoro Rodríguez López.
With Guede at the controls, Dani Martín has multiplied his performance, He has eradicated the debate in the goal with a stroke of the pen and has given more than enough reasons for the club to have him as a preferred option with a view to next season. Dani Barrio ends his contract and will not continue and today Malaga only has Manolo Reina tied for goal. It remains to be seen what intentions Betis has for the future Dani Martín, whose Market value according to Olocip is almost 1.9 million euros (€1,877,930).