Section 3 of the Barcelona Court has confirmed this Monday, June 12, the provisional detention of Dani Alvesaccused of allegedly sexually assaulting a girl at the Sutton nightclub in Barcelona on the night of December 30 to 31, 2022. For justice, there is still a “flight risk”, which is why they do not grant him probation.
In a car consulted by Europa Press, the court rejects for the second time an appeal by the footballer and confirms the decision of the Investigating Court 15 of Barcelona. The report that his legal team has presented on the images prior to the alleged sexual assault has not served his purpose of getting rid of bars until the trial, which is expected to take place this summer.

The court addressed this new petition last Friday. His defense, headed by the Catalan lawyer Christopher Martellassured that there was no risk of flight because Alves intends to live with his children in Barcelona, where the two teenagers, the result of his first marriage to Dino Santana, have been registered and schooled. In the brief, the court has insisted that the flight risk remains anyway. Who no longer lives in Barcelona, but in Madrid, is the Canarian model Joana Sanzwho after announcing their separation last March continued to visit Alves at Brians 2.
As Mayka Navarro has pointed out in Ana Rosa’s program: “The headline is that Alves is going to remain in prison until the day of the trial because there are no more options left to ask for his release (…) It was his last chance.”
The magistrate, in her order, “goes to warn that the registration and schooling of the children is a fact almost tailored to the appeal and that they do not give credibility. They do not give credibility to the vital project that Alves’ lawyer supported during the explanation of the resource, so it understands that there is a risk of escape”.

Since his entry into prison on January 20, Alves has given contradictory statements about the events that occurred. In mid-April, he acknowledged that there was penetration, although he assured that it was consented and that there was “sexual tension” at all times.
The soccer player’s continuous contradictions in his statements added to the high risk of flight and his Brazilian nationality, as well as the strength of the evidence provided by the victim, were sufficient reasons for the judge to order his entry into pretrial detention without bail. The defense of the winger, who turned 40 last May, has fought for parole without success.