Courtois and a historic Zamora that Isco predicted in August

It is Saturday, August 17, and starts for Real Madrid a League that faces a bad body after a poor 2018-19 and a preseason with less light (two wins) than dark (three losses and two draws). The team is in the Balaídos locker room tunnel, the setting for their first day, and Isco anticipates one of the keys, perhaps the most important, of a title that would come 334 days later. “You are going to be the Zamora,” he tells Courtois.

Shield / Flag Real Madrid

That afternoon in Vigo Madrid won, which would be the norm for the rest of a competition that ended in League 34, and Courtois conceded a goal, almost a rarity for what he would achieve over the months, the first white Zamora since 2008. Casillas, the last architect, received more than a decade ago 32 goals in 36 days, by the 20 in 34 this course of the 2018 World Cup Gold Glove, which can boast an average of 0.59 points per game. It is not just any data, but the seventh best in history and the top of this year in the five major leagues.


Paco Liaño (Sports) 1993-94 18 38 0.47
Oblak (Athletic) 2015-16 18 38 0.47
Víctor Valdés (Barcelona) 2010-11 16 32 0.50
Claudio Bravo (Barcelona) 2014-15 19 37 0.51
Abel Resino (Athletic) 1990-91 17 33 0.51
J. I. Garmendia (Eibar) 1991-92 22 38 0.58
Courtois (Real Madrid) 2019-20 twenty 3. 4 0.59
Oblak (Athletic) 2017-18 22 37 0.59

The former Chelsea also led the ranking of doors to zero in the League, with 18 (5 were consecutive), which represents 52.94% of the matches, more than a half. “Hard work pays off! I would like to dedicate this Trophy to the team, who was by my side defending the networks. Only by working together as a team have we made it possible, “he celebrated on Twitter. It was the joy of a professional who has fulfilled, and in what way, his personal goal by going to confinement, a third Zamora for whom he worked hard during the break. A goal is essential for a goal, so in the quarantine he had to pull imagination in the exercises and redouble efforts. This explains, for example, that, according to Opta, Madrid have been the first team since at least 2003-04 without being beaten from outside the area (24 stops of Thibaut, 4 of Areola).

For everything that has surrounded the coronavirus and for the statistics, this new recognition is even more special for Courtois, who was already the best goalkeeper in the League on two occasions, both with Atlético. He did so, for the most consecutive merit, in 2012-13 and 2013-14, but with more goals conceded and slightly worse averages, as shown in the following table. Shampoo, also, He is the fifth goalkeeper to take the trophy with two different clubs and the second foreigner, along with Oblak, who exceeds the two wound.


2011-12 (Athletic) 41 37 1.11
2012-13 (Athletic) 29 37 0.78
2013-14 (Athletic) 24 37 0.65
2018-19 (Real Madrid) 36 27 1.33
2019-20 (Real Madrid) twenty 3. 4 0.59
TOTAL 150 172 0.87

The Belgian, the only Real Madrid player of the 21st century unbeaten in the two Classics of the same season, took a run especially since June, stopping 29 of 33 shots on goal, 87.87%. The figure in the overall course, 79.2%, also speaks of its regularity … and how he overcame criticism. How he valued that process Roberto Martínez, Belgium coach, in AS: “You have to be very mentally prepared to be very self-critical and be able to be yourself. He is equal to Oblak and Ter Stegen, will mark an era at the Bernabéu.” It is an analysis that supports the data of a goal that, wrapped by a great defense, has turned viable for Madrid life without Cristiano's scoring muscle.