Gwyneth Paltrow He has been in the spotlight again in recent days as a result of the trial that he finally won in the United States for the skiing accident in 2016, in Utah. The actress, always in the limelight for her crazy occurrences, had a famous story with the then prince at the beginning of the 2000s Felipe.
Read also: Gwyneth Paltrow wins ski accident trial and receives $1 in compensation
In the summer of 2002, it was the newspapers Aftenposten (Norwegian) and British Daily Mirror those who claimed that Paltrow had become more than just a friend of the heir.

The Royal House confirmed a meeting in Mallorca between the actress from Shakespeare in Love and the then Prince Philip. But it was said that they were friends and, moreover, the spokesmen de Palacio were in charge of adding that the rocker Chris Martin – then only a friend of Paltrow – the infantas Cristina and Elena, Jaime de Marichalar and Rosario Nadal were also present at that meeting. Of course, the rumors were always latent.
This story was falling into oblivion as the years passed, but in 2017 Jean Chalvidant, the French author of the biography Felipe VI of Spain, the normal king, he recovered it in his work and he turned to talk about them. The writer assured that the actress did not fall for the charms of the then heir. These days, on the occasion of the well-known trial of the Oscar-winning actress, this story that is always worth remembering has come back to our memory.
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“Gwyneth is a very smart aunt with a very well-furnished head. She liked Felipe, yes, but when she saw the one that could come upon her, she did not hesitate for a moment. She went off on her feet, as they say,” a source also confessed close to Vanity Fair.