Chayo Mohedano, on all fours and in underwear: the ‘hot’ video that sweeps the networks

The daughter of rose benedict It has become a Trending Topic on social networks this Wednesday and not precisely because of its trip to the United States, where it begins a tour. The reason has been a video that has leaked in which Chayo Mohedano She is shown very sexy on the bed, in a doggy position and a mirror strategically placed to reflect her underwear.

It is a content of Only Fans, a page for adults in which various celebrities offer exclusive content in exchange for a monthly fee. Chayo entered in September 2021 and has shown a very different facet from the one we saw on stage: naked, in the shower, with suggestive clothes… “That’s how I get a few euros,” she said in the face of criticism.

The video of this Wednesday has gone viral thanks to the dozens of messages commenting on the images and, for now, the protagonist has not said a word.