Laura Escanes, after being caught with Álvaro de Luna: “Everyone is going to set up the story they want”

the ex of Risto Mejide She has been the protagonist of the day for her images kissing the singer Alvaro de Luna a month after announcing their separation. The singer has confirmed that he is “happy” but Laura Scaneswho this Wednesday attended the presentation of the documentary by sweetnesshas not wanted to confirm or deny anything: “I’m not going to get into a loop that doesn’t interest me.”

Read also – Risto, after Laura Escanes’s snogging with Álvaro de Luna: “In the end, one is the result of his successes and his mistakes”

The Catalan has attended the media with a smile but has made things clear: “I’m sorry to disappoint you if you think I’m going to give a statement. I understand your work, but I don’t want to get into anything. Headlines will continue to come out and each one will create the story they want. I know what I have lived, what I live and I am calm. Little by little,” she said.

Laura and Álvaro met on September 15 at a musical gala, just 10 days after the influencer and Risto Mejide announced their separation after five years of marriage and a daughter together. The crisis between them had begun in the spring, when she met youtuber Mr. Jagger, with whom he could also have had something more than friendship that, however, did not have a greater journey. This bridge, Laura went with Álvaro and some friends to Tenerife, where they kissed oblivious to prying eyes. The news (and the images) have broken Risto’s heart, who had no idea that his still wife had already remade his life.