Dua Lipa, new image of ‘Porsche’: “a sum of seven figures” to close the deal

Singer, model, influencer and actress. The London pop diva turns everything she touches to gold. After endless successes in the market, Dua Lipa embarks on a new adventure: becoming the new face of Porsche. the singer of New RulesThe 27-year-old, who has previously promoted the exclusive Jaguar car brand, becomes the face of the Porsche … Read more

The Infanta Cristina, protagonist of the Swiss press for the sentence of one of her escorts: all the details

The Swiss press has echoed the sentence “to penalties of a fine” to one of the escorts of the infanta christina for skipping “several red lights” trying to flee from some paparazzi through the streets of Geneva, where he has lived since 2013. The fact It happened in February of last year.a few days after … Read more

Tamara Falcó, with her wedding, counterprograms the Sanfermines of Pamplona: the pre-fiesta of the year begins

Habemu wedding. The so-called wedding of the year (even of the millennium) begins: Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva are one step away from the altar. They get married on the family farm of ‘El Rincón’, in the town of Aldea del Fresno (Madrid) this Saturday. A great event with top-level celebrities come together in this … Read more

The crack of the designer Wes Gordon on the most precious of the exclusive of Tamara Falcó: “It is not white”

The designer Wes Gordon has already landed in Madrid to dress the Marquise de Griñón on her big day this Saturday, July 8. Tamara Falco urgently turned to Carolina Herrera’s team after Sophie et Voilà, the Bilbao firm that was going to design her wedding dress, stood her up two months before saying ‘yes, I … Read more

Astonished Julio Iglesias Jr., before the shielding of Tamara Falcó’s wedding: “Do we have to leave out the mobile? Well, I’m not going to leave it”

As is well. That she is not going to leave the mobile. Julio Iglesias Jr has not been able to contain his astonished face when he has found out that his sister Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva have shielded their wedding and do not allow mobile phones to be included in the ceremony: “Do I … Read more