The European ‘racing cars’ of sustainability with which to start 2022

Sustainable investment experienced a real boom in 2020, a year in which portfolios rotated towards safe values ​​to avoid further shocks. In 2021, this trend has only strengthened: according to Morningstar, with data up to September, flows to global sustainable funds practically doubled in half a year, to $ 3.9 trillion. See more articles on … Read more

Financial freedom costs less than a million

Madrid 23/12/2021 – 19:29 One of the most helpful conversations with friends and colleagues is how much money you need to be able to live without working. How many times have they gotten into the debate? And what have they answered? Well less than they think. I have found empirically that most people think that … Read more

A businessman from Mallorca distributes a million among his workers as a Christmas bonus: “It is the happiest day of my professional life”

Can you imagine receiving a special Christmas bonus of 10,000 euros from your boss? This is what happened to a good part of the workers of the Ok Mobility car rental and sales company, located in Mallorca. Its owner and CEO, Othman Ktiri, wanted to reward all his employees with one million euros after a … Read more

Logista will distribute a 5% dividend in February

The dividend that Logista will distribute on February 24 is already confirmed, for an amount of 0.83 euros, which at current prices allows the investor to capture 5%. It is the complementary one charged to the result of 2021 (the interim dividend was delivered in August, for 0.41 euros). The company, which presented its accounts … Read more