Carolina Monje’s response to Ana Obregón’s message: dry and polite

The arrival of the granddaughter of Ana Obregon to the world through a surrogate in Miami and the semen of her son who died three years ago has opened endless debates. Also controversial, such as the point at which the relationship between the 68-year-old presenter and the one who was her son’s girlfriend is located, Carolina Monk. This Holy Week, the young designer received a surprising message from the fact that she was her ‘mother-in-law’. We know her answer.

As we have told these days, the relationship between the two cooled down after Ana made the decision to have offspring from Aless Lequio through his frozen semen and a surrogate. The process was carried out in Miami, where this method is legal.

In Informalia We say that Aless appointed his girlfriend as the recipient of the samples and that, after his death, she finally renounced them before a notary. At no time did the young man ask his girlfriend to be a mother in the future with her sperm. However, he did donate the deposited samples to her in case she wanted to use them. Our sources agree in differentiating both things: Obregón’s son never conveyed to his girlfriend that he wanted her to conceive a being with his semen, he only left it to her in case, in the future, at her free choice, she freely took the decision to do it.

Obregón, in his book, does not talk about these intricacies but does talk about his son’s supposed will to become a father, even post mortem: “Mom, dad. If something happens to me, remember the sample I left in the laboratory in Nueva York. I want to have children, even though I’m gone. It’s my wish. Promise me you’ll do it? Please”, are the words of Aless, days before dying, that the protagonist of Ana and the 7 collects in his book, The boy with the shrewspublished this Wednesday, April 19.

Since the death of the young entrepreneur in May 2020, Ana and Carolina’s conversations have been reduced to issues related to the foundation, as Monje expressed his desire to help financially through the sale of his clothing. However, according to our sources, there is also a thick and rude message from the actress to the young woman in a moment of outburst. Carolina considered that the best thing was not to enter the rag and, advised by her own, she wanted to understand that her words were the result of the immense pain that she felt for the death of Aless.

Read alsoThe tense dispute between Ana Obregón and Carolina Monje that Aless collected in his book: “He has abducted you, my son”

This Easter, the young woman surprisingly received another message from what was her ‘mother-in-law’, even encouraging her to meet the little girl Ana Sandra Lequio Obregón. We have had access to Monje’s response, which she was very surprised. In her line of being an extremely polite and respectful person of hers, he came to tell her that he was happy for her (for Ana) and he sent her a kiss. She was “correct but rather dry”, they point out.

Did Ana want to approach positions with her to continue counting on the exemplary public silence that the young woman has maintained to date? Be that as it may, she has already launched The boy with the shrews, with 72 pages that were written by the late Aless and more than two hundred by Ana, narrating the painful illness of her son until the end. There are also references to Monk in the book, some of them not quite leaving her in a good place.