Carmen Lomana (very she) recommends Tamara Falcó to forget about “mommy told me…”

When Carmen takes a run there is no one to stop her. Lomana put herself in ‘Lomana mode’ and ‘mother mode’ to talk about the fall breakup, the one starred by Tamara Falcó and Íñigo Onieva. A mega crisis that precipitated just a few hours after announcing the date of his wedding. The marchioness experienced it as a drama and the only words that came out of her mouth were “shock”, “that Íñigo”, “abusing my trust”, “impossible to return”… Carmen Lomana has commented on the breakup in Magazine Ten minutes: “Tamara is living her own reality show”.

This reflection is followed by others that are not wasted: “She knew what Onieva was like and what he did because he is very cute and he is 30 years old… I think she is not in love with him, what she wants is to get married and form a family; and having a boyfriend adds to it.

Lomana adds: “What cannot be done is to go out two days later to say that he has cheated on him.” The socialite attacks the Marquise de Griñón: “Anyone in her place would have been devastated. She, no. She is going to Save me… and then to Mexico”. In the aforementioned publication, Carmen offers advice to Tamara: “Don’t spend all day with ‘mommy (Isabel Preysler) told me'”. And it ends with a forceful: “You are already 41 years old and have several boyfriends, you are not a girl.”