Carmen Lomana finishes off Isabel Preysler after calling her a ‘husband-stealer’: “Ask Boyer’s wife”

His dislike for his ex Mario Vargas Llosa It’s no secret because Carmen Lomana takes advantage of any opportunity to throw poison-laden darts at him, like when he gave his opinion on Isabel Preysler’s project on Disney+. The latest attack by the television station occurred this Thursday after the statements of Tamara Falcó’s mother about her confrontation with the celebrity: “I’m getting bored”Preysler said.

Lomana has used irony to attack Isabel Preysler, with whom he is “not at all” on the warpath. This is how Carmen herself explained it in her collaboration in Kiss Fm: “Why should I be angry with this lady? If she hasn’t taken my boyfriend or husband away from me, which is what can sometimes make you angry. I say this because she has done it at some point…”he said without mincing words.

About that accusation, precisely, they have asked the talk show host in Public mirrorthe magazine led by Susanna Griso: “Ask Boyer’s wife”, Lomana blurted out in reference to Elena Arnedo. Pilar Vidal, a close friend of Tamara and her company, has clarified that the former minister was married when he began her relationship with Preysler, but he no longer lived with her. “She is the most elegant woman, the most beautiful, the best influencer, There is no one we can measure up to his shoe…”, has said. Lomana settled the controversy with an order to Tamara Falcó’s mother: “Let him come partying with me, he’s going to have a great time.”
