Carmen Alcayde flirts with a Civil Guard on a crazy night: “I’m having fun”

Six months after announcing her separation from Eduardo Primo, father of her three children and husband for the past 20 years, Carmen Alcayde (50) has begun to enjoy his newly released bachelorhood. Last weekend, the presenter attended the ‘Mr Gay Comunidad Valenciana’ event in Oliva and there she let her hair down.

“She was very animated and I saw her very well. Fooling around all the time. That if she had met a civil guard, that if a lot of fooling around… She looked like she wanted to end the night well,” said a witness to the party in Save me. “She was provoking all the time, yelling things, pulling up her very sexy dress. And she told him that she wanted her to go with him and she wouldn’t let him go in the sun or in the dark. She yelled at him, ‘I’ve flirted! Look what a boy the most handsome.’ I was at the top of the night.”

Alcayde fell captivated by the charms of a young Civil Guard: “There were several and he was keeping an eye on them. Phones were given, with the civil guards. He grabbed him by the hand and wanted to take him to a disco, grabbing him by the waist, by the hand… Like a fifteen-year-old girl with her first boyfriend.”

Also read: Carmen Alcayde admits that she has not made love since she separated and that she has erotic dreams with a partner

The interested party has assured that everything was part of a game and that nothing else happened that night: “There was nothing, nothing happened with anyone, he was 23 years old. I am enjoying being single, I was enjoying and dancing. It did not put me the wives”. And she added: “At the level of going out and liking, I’m at the top. I don’t want a partner.”