Third grandson for the Duke of Alba. Carlos Fitz-James Stuart y Belén Corsini announce pregnancy. He is a boy and they will become parents in the spring of 2024. The magazine publishes it Hola.

The Duke and Duchess of Osorio expand their family. They will welcome their first baby in spring of next year. He will be the third grandson for the Duke of Alba, Carlos Fitz-James Stuart, and his ex-wife, Matilde Solís, after the arrival at the house of little Rosario and Sofía, daughters of Fernando and Sofía Palazuelo, Dukes of Huéscar .
The dukes were married in May 2021 at the Liria Palace in Madrid. Belén, a graduate in Business Administration, has participated as a director in two family companies, one of them, dedicated to the real estate sector, inherited from Carlos Corsini, founder of the Corsan construction company.