Carlo Costanzia ‘father’ stands up for his children and attacks Mar Flores and Alessandro Lequio in a devastating statement

His children’s legal problems have made the Italian aristocrat’s life bitter. While Carlothe eldest, is on parole controlled by a telematic bracelet, his brothers Pietro and Rocco They have been arrested in Turin: the first, accused of trying to kill a man with a machete in the middle of the street, the second, of being his accomplice. The father has stood up for them in a statement where he mercilessly attacks Alessandro Lequio y Sea Flowersthe mother of his first child.

Carlo Costanzia di Costiglione He affirms that his children are “suffering a daily media lynching” and points out that they have become fodder for the press “solely for the fact that they are brothers of another victim of lies and manipulations, in turn, the son of a sanctified mother.” , he says, referring to the model. The Italian speaks of “disinformation terrorists” and states bluntly: “What should not be allowed is for there to be such rabble and scavengers who live at the expense of lies about the chosen victims and the misfortunes of others.” And he added: “I hope these people come off the screens or invite them to a program where they feel in the place of their victims and live the same hell.”

The producer especially attacks one of those members and although he does not name him, he makes his identity clear: “Not to mention a character who has spent his life organizing back-and-forth schemes in order to blackmail, who has sold covers of notorious betrayals and who carries “30 years of eating thanks to speaking badly about others without hitting a nerve in his life (…) You have the luxury of judging my family, you better rinse your mouth first, which has already smelled very bad for a long time.” It must be remembered that Alessandro Lequio wrote a tirade on social networks after the arrest of Pietro and Rocco: “The best families have a black sheep but when a family is a whole flock of black sheep something is wrong (…) The two brothers have a life of criminal progression, and although we can all rebuild our lives, the attitude is clear.

Carlo also shows his anger at the leak of official documents about the case opened against his two children: “Amazing that documents from the Prosecutor’s Office and the court of another country have been accessed and even more so that they have been interpreted at will, according to “Who should be lynched?” Finally, he appeals to the presumption of innocence and trusts in justice: “Let her, or what remains of her, decide.”
