Carla Bruni sees no problem in adultery: “For me it is not a sin, I am the daughter of that love”

Carla Bruni (56) was the last guest of Beasts, an Italian television space known for addressing controversial topics on its set. This was proven, in fact, during the model’s interventions in the program, where she gave her opinion about adultery. To the surprise of some, her assessment of this matter goes beyond what is strictly traditional.

The Italian actress downplayed infidelities within marriage. “Adultery for me is not a sin, I am the daughter of that love. If it were physical adultery, I would endure it. But if she fell in love with her, no…” said the model, who has been married to the French politician for 16 years. Nicolas Sarkozy (69).

It should be said that the artist is the daughter of the pianist and actress Marisa Borini and the former classical guitarist Maurizio Remmert. They were lovers between 1960 and 1967, while she was still married to the businessman and composer of classical music and opera. Alberto Bruni Tedeschi.

Carla Bruni and Nicolas Sarkozy married on February 2, 2008 in a ceremony held at the Elysée Palace. At that time they had been together for three years and, although according to the actress, there were many who saw this connection too early, they were clear that they should say ‘I do’: “We were so sure of that love that we said ‘go ahead'”. The love between the singer and the politician is still valid.

Carla Bruni’s wedding with the then president of France did not have an innumerable list of guests, nor a great following of the press, as it was an absolutely intimate event. After the ceremony they held a small party at the La Lanterne restaurant. As they have expressed on more than one occasion, Theirs was a crush and they feel lucky to have met.
