Berlusconi’s girlfriend, 22 days by his side without leaving the hospital: “When we go out, we will do it together”

The selflessness of the young fiancée of the former Italian prime minister, Silvio Berlusconi greatly surprised. The girlfriend of The Knight, martha fascinates, 32 years old and 53 years younger than her future husband, has not left his side since he was admitted to the San Raffaele Hospital for chronic leukemia. She has been there for 22 days in a row and assures that she will come out when they go out together.

He has made it very clear when the medical staff who care for the Italian leader have suggested that given the clinical improvement of his fiancé, he could leave, even if it was only for a few hours: “Thank you but I prefer to stay here. When we go out, we will go out together”, He answered categorically.

Read alsoSilvio Berlusconi, diagnosed with leukemia: remains in intensive care at the age of 86

Fascina is a deputy from the Forza Italia party and since April 5, when the founder and leader of her party was admitted, she has not left the 300 square meters of the hospital “apartment” that Berlusconi occupies on the sixth floor of the pavilion reserved for the vips, called “Diamond”, as published The world.

Her work as a devoted bride has been complemented by her work as a spokesperson for Silvio and his circumstances. She has been in charge of managing contacts with the press, with doctors and nurses, filtering calls, messages and any other communication from the former Prime Minister of Italy.

The politicians from his party who have managed to speak with Berlusconi estimate that it would still be between a week and ten days before he resigns from his post and returns to his Villa San Martino. And everyone believes that Fascina will continue this time there, controlling his fiancée and, incidentally, the game.

Apparently, this strong-willed young woman selected Silvio’s group of trusted collaborators at a time when Forza Italia and its founder were going through a delicate situation; These were her parents Horace y Angela Della Morte. Greater confidence, impossible.

Nor does Berlusconi have too many real family and friends left. They could be considered as Faithful Confalonieri, Gianni Letta, Adrian Galliani…who coincidentally are the only ones Marta has allowed to see him in his hospital suite.

The former prime minister has already been without intensive care for more than ten days and is stable, he is recovering and preparing his return to politics, even if it is electronically, at the latest for the national Forza Italia convention, which will take place on Monday. weekend of May, and that is expected to take advantage to present his resignation as leader of the political formation.