Begoña Gómez reappears with her husband in the middle of the election campaign: dressed to… win?

With a red PSOE top, jeans and a splendid smile. This is how it has reappeared Begoña Gomez this Wednesday at her husband’s last rally, Pedro Sanchez, which is seeking votes ahead of the European elections next Sunday. Quite a declaration of intentions from the ‘first lady’, who just 24 hours ago was summoned to testify by the judge investigating her for an alleged crime of business corruption and influence peddling.

It had been three months since we had seen Begoña Gómez in public, who has tried to maintain a discreet profile after the scandal came to light. The last one was in March, for International Women’s Day. Despite the complicated situation that the marriage is going through, both she and her husband have wanted to appear normal and united in Benalmádena, where the president, once again, has taken advantage of his position to defend the integrity of the mother of his daughters: “I am going to speak to you from the heartin these last months and days in which The attacks on me and my family have intensified very harshly. of this far-right international.” And he added: “These days when the attacks of the far-right international have intensified, I have felt the camaraderie of a great family, which is the PSOE. We thank you, Begoña and I.”

Pedro Sánchez and Begoña Gómez have taken a real mass bath in front of 2,000 people to whom they have given the image of a happy and united marriage, holding hands at many moments of the rally. She, flirtatious, let her head rest on the shoulder of her husband, to whom she devoted authentic glances of devotion. It is not for less. Just 24 hours ago, Pedro Sánchez defended Begoña’s honor tooth and nail in a new Letter to Citizenship that he shared, like the first, through social networks: “There is nothing behind this accusation, just a crude montage promoted by the ultra-right demanding associations,” it said. “Begoña and I know perfectly well why they attack her. Neither of us are naive. They do it because she is my partner (…) She is a hard-working and honest woman who claims her right to work without giving it up because of the responsibilities of her husband. A right that I defend in my family life and for which I work as President of the Government of Spain.

Let us remember that Begoña Gómez must testify before the judge on July 5 for her relationship with Globalia -The Government granted Air Europa a million-dollar rescue due to the pandemic- and with the businessman Carlos Barrabés, whom she recommended and was awarded a public contract. Barrabés is one of the promoters of the Master in Competitive Social Transformation at the Complutense University of Madrid, which is currently directed by Gómez, who also graduated in Marketing from the ESIC of Madrid, and who has a master’s degree in Business Administration, a fact that has been prosecuted after weeks of debates and appearances.
