Barça only have one player who ends his contract on June 30: Arda Turan

FC Barcelona will not have as many problems as other clubs when it comes to managing the squad after the announcement by UEFA of the new proposed date for the Champions League final in Istanbul, June 27, nor before the modification of schedules in domestic competitions. And it is that the Blaugrana club only has one player on the payroll who ends his contract on June 30, and in addition the circumstance occurs that it is a footballer who is on loan and that the entity has no intention of renewing.

We are talking about the Turkish international Arda Turan, who came to Barcelona in the summer of 2015 after paying 40 million to Atlético de Madrid. His time at the Catalan club can be considered dire. He already started off on the wrong foot as he was unable to play from the start due to the FIFA sanction that the club was immersed in and that prevented him from signing during two market windows. Thus, he was almost six months inactive, a fact that ended up taking its toll, as evidenced by his very poor numbers in Barcelona. Despite signing five seasons, he only completed one and a half, since he was loaned in January 2017 to Basakksehir in Istanbul. He ended up playing 55 games at Barcelona.

In fact, there is another player who is free this summer, but his case is totally special and unique: Leo Messi, who has a clause in his contract by which he could leave unilaterally if they considered it appropriate, having earned, according to the club, the right to decide on his future. However, all the ‘inputs’ that come from the player's environment indicate that Leo is happy in Barcelona and that in no case is his departure from the Catalan entity planned.

Looking ahead to the 2020/21 season, the number of players that end their contract with Barcelona multiplies. One of them is Luis Suarez, who announced that he had a special clause in his contract that automatically renewed if 60% of the games played that season. Others who are in the same contract termination situation are Croatian Ivan Rakitic, who will surely put an end to his Blaugrana stage this summer, the Chilean Arturo vidal and the youth squad Riqui Puig.

Regarding Vidal, who is 32 years old, the club could ask him for another year or directly seek his departure in search of some profitable operation, like entering the signing of Inter striker Lautaro Martínez, while Riqui Puig is still one of La Masia's bets, so an exit is totally ruled out.